International Activism
International Activism
Academy of Family Mediators
An Anti-Facist and Anti-Racist site with news on events, background information, links, etc. UK-based but lots of international stuff too.
Africa Policy Information Center
Aids & related topics
Alaska Boreal Forest Council
Alaska Wilderness League
Alternet (http)
AlterNet (gopher)
America-Israel Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace
American Rivers
American Whitewater Affiliation.
The mission of the American
Whitewater Affiliation is to conserve and restore America's
whitewater resources and to enhance opportunities to enjoy them safely.
American Wind Energy Association (AWEA)
Amnesty International.
Anarcha-Feminist page
Anarchy Archives
Anarchy Home Page
Anarchici (1)
Anarchici (2)
Animal Defense Network
References to many groups worldwide that focus on animal rights, such as ALF
Animal Rights Resource Site
References to many groups worldwide that focus on animal rights, such as ALF. This group incorporates the old Animal Defense Network (which merged with the ARRS).
Antioch University Conflict Resolution Program
Appropriate Dispute Resolution Associates
Arab World & Islamic Resources & School Services
Home of the anarchist art zine "Babyfish... Lost its mama" and Trumpbull
Hakim Bey
California Economic Recovery & Environmental Restoration Project
California Exotic Pest Plant Council (CEPPC)
Campaign for Peace and Democracy
CDA Communication Decency Act
CDA Communication Decency Act - terrorism
CDA Communication Decency Act
goodxcivil rights and the Web (privacy issues) subscribe policy-posts -->>>
Center for Democracy and Technology
The Center For Democracy And Technology 1001 G Street NW, Suite 700 East, Washington, DC 20001 (v) +1.202.637.9800, (f) +1.202.637.0968
Center for Third World Organizing
The Che Guevara Page
Chicago Coalition Against Violence Initiative
Noam Chomsky: archivio testi
Chomsky online
Lots of info on Noam Chomsky, including articles, lectures, reviews of those by other people, etc.
come scrivere una press release
Commission on San Francisco's Environment
Communist Party, U.S.A.
Community Boards
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
Concerned Singles
Conflict Resolution Center International, Inc.
Consumer Action
Critiques of Libertarianism
Mike Huben has written a FAQ which gives background information on Libertarianism from the point of view of a non-believer. The site also contains other documents critical of libertarian doctrine. Though there is no real anarchist slant to the info here, it's a good counterbalance for the various anarcho-capitalist sites on the net.
The Cypherpunks Home Page
Cuba Internet resource
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)
The Diggers
This is information about the SF Diggers from the sixties, not about the english diggers from the 16th century.
Digital Anarchy
A gallery of Art and artists on computer disk, including political poetry by caribbean writers.
Earth First!
Earth Force
Earth Negotiations Bulletin
Economic Democracy Information Network (EDIN), port1251
Electronic Frontiers Foundation
Environmental Defense Fund
Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (E-LAW)
Environmental Research Foundation
EPIC (=Electronic Privacy Information Center)
EPIC (=Electronic Privacy Information Center) - e-giornale
EPIC (=Electronic Privacy Information Center) - abstracts
Welcome to EuroNet
European Counter Network
EZLN (Zapatistas)
Lots of info on the liberation movement in Chiapas, Mexico. Some stuff in spanish, but most documents translated into english as well.
Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR)
Feminist Activists
Information for feminists who are political activists. Also contains
links to stuff interesting to people who fall in only one of the
Feminist International Radio Endeavour (FIRE)
Fidel Castro Home Page
Fields Pond Foundation
Foundation for a Compassionate Society
Freedom Press Home Page
Freie ArbeiterInnen Union (FAU, Germany)
A cyberfeminist magazine.
Global Exchange
Global Mail Art
"Mail art is art that goes all over the world through the use of the postal service". Their site has addressing info for many zines, anarchist papers, projects, etc etc etc.
Global Rivers Environmental Education Network (GREEN)
Goldman Environmental Foundation
Good Neighbor Project for Sustainable Industries
Gray Area A webhome for the Gray Area zine, wich is dedicated to "subject matter that is illegal, immoral and/or controversial".
Green Means
Greens/Green Party
Greenpeace International (Amsterdam)
Greenpeace (http)
Greenpeace (gopher)
Haymarket homepage
Information on the Haymarket massacre in 1886.
Human Rights Watch
Human right web pages
Hunger Project - Africa Prize for Leadership
IGC Progressive Directory
A very nice directory of lots of Net- and other resources with a progressive/activist slant, much like this one. Maintained by the IGC (PeaceNet, EcoNet, ConflictNet and LaborNet).
Indigenous Environmental Network
Industrial Workers of the World
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
Information on the One Big Union.
Infoshop Home Page
info su europa
Infogruppe Hamburg
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
Institute for Alternative Journalism
Institute for Global Communications - S. Francisco
The Institute for Global Communications 1
The Institute for Global Communications 18 De Boom Street * San Francisco, CA 94107 voice: +1 (415) 442-0220 * fax: +1 (415) 546-1794 e-mail: e-info:
The Institute for Global Communications 2
The Institute for Global Communications 18 De Boom Street * San Francisco, CA 94107 voice: +1 (415) 442-0220 * fax: +1 (415) 546-1794 e-mail: e-info:
Institute for Social and Economic Studies
International Arctic Project
International Campaign for Tibet
International Education and Resource Network (I*EARN)
Italian cities & civic networking
Join Together
La Jornada, Il giornale zapatista
An online version of an anarchic wallnewspaper which is both serious
and funny.
Latin America Data Base (LADB)
League of Conservation Voters via World Wide Web
League of Conservation Voters via Gopher
Left BBS
Left side of the Web
Lots of information resources for left-wing activists, slanted towards the USA. Also lots of info on right-wing groups like the militia's.
Links to political groups US
Love & Rage/Amor y Rabia
An electronic home for the magazine, buth in English and Spanish.
The Lumpen Times
A cool 'zine with alternative/progressive stuff. Fun, too.
Machina Amniotica
No Copyright Poetry in Italian.
Malcolm X e Luther King
Manchester Peace and Conflict Studies
Nelson Mandela
Maoist Internationalist Movement
Marx and Engels online
Lots of writings by the old fellas. There is another webhome for Marx
in Australia, at
Marx and Engels online
A large collection of the writings of Marx and Engels
Marxism and Leninism
Biographic data, writings and links to other sites related to Marxism
and Leninism.
Mediation Center
Monday Lobby Group (1)
Monday Lobby Group (2)
Monday Lobby Group (3)
Moorish Science Monitor
Nadir Archive
National Association For Community Mediation
National Association for Mediation Education
National Center for Nonprofit Boards
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR)
National Wildlife Federation
Native American Women's Health Education Resource Center
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
Neahtawanta Research and Education Center
a place of gathering and a community of kindred spirits, created to serve people and institutions interested in working toward a sustainable and just society
North America Congress on Latin America (NACLA)
Northern California Mediation Association
Pacifica Radio Archive
Pacifica Radio (KPFA)
Pathfinder Press, choose FTP, then "World FTP sites", then Books, then "Pathfinder Press" - Works by "revolutionary fighters whose struggles against capitalism, racism ... point the way forward for humanity": Marx, Engels, Malcolm X, Mandela, etc.
Peace Action
Peace Brigades International (PBI)
Pesticide Action Network North America
PAN is an international coalition of grassroots organizations who oppose the misuse of pesticides and support reliance on safe, ecologically sound alternatives
Peter's E-texts
A collection of writings by Goldman, Bey and others.
pHreak UK
"the Web-coast of pHreak, the UK's most totally sorted underground bulletin board". Their bulletin board also carries the complete Spunk catalog. Contact <> for more
Playing to Win (gopher)
Playing to Win/Intercambios Culturales
Playing to Win's Harlem Community Computing Center, New York City's first public access technology center, calls on you to support it and to help establish the Intercambios Technological and Cultural Center in El Salvador
Political Ecology Group (PEG)
Political Research Associates (PRA)
Population Action International
Praesidium Falcone
prison US (1)
prison US (2)
prison US (3)
prison US (4)
Prison Activist Resource Center (PARC)
Progetto Gutenberg, libri on line
Prominent anarchists and left-libertarians
Biographic information and pictures of some well-known anarchists.
Propuestas desde Nicaragua
Publicaciones sin un interés comercial, la mayoría de Nicaragua, como boletines de jóvenes, mujeres, ecología y anarquismo.
PUBLIC NETBASE (Konrad Becker)
Quebec anarchists
Les pages du 'réseau anarchiste québecois' essayent de répertorier toutes les organisations anarchistes au Québec, que ce soit des groupes qui publient un journal ou une revue, ou des groupes qui éditent et diffusent des ouvrages sur l'anarchie, ou encore des groupes qui sont liés de quelques façons au mouvement anarchiste. Nous espérons ainsi créer des liens plus forts entre les différents anarchistes á travers la province et le reste du monde.
Rainforest Action Network (RAN)
The Raven - Freedom's Anarchist Journal
Russian Anarchism
Information on anarchism in Russia today.
San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
Saybrook Institute
The Seed home page
Sierra Club Action Alerts
Silja's page
Interesting stuff and links, many anarchy-related items.
especially the Politics section is interesting. This site carries most, if not all, of the electronic newsletters and other material listed below, including Spunk Press, Love and Rage, Autonome Forum, Non Serviam and the BAD Brigade. The information here is also available via FTP, see below.Contact: Paul Southworth <>
Also accessible through gopher, see above.
Situationists International
Socialist Labor Party
Solidariteitsgroep Politieke Gevangenen
Solidaritygroup Political Prisoners
Lots of information on political prisoners and activities to help them. Interestingly designed, too.
Somali Association for Peace and Democracy (SAPD)
South African Communist Party
South and Meso American Indian Rights Center (SAIIC)
Specter for president
Spunk Press 1
Spunk Press 2
A database that monitors the state and civil liberties in the UK and Europe.
Stop Prisoner Rape
A US-based support group for combatting rape of prisoners and providing assistance to the victims.
Super mega link @activist-
Surfrider Foundation
Taiga Rescue Network
The TAO Collective, home to the Anarchives, Freedom Press, A-Infos and Anetdev mailinglists, and a score of emerging resources spawning from the enabling effects of the new media.
Union Friendly Systems
United States Institute of Peace
Urban Habitat Project of the Earth Island Institute
Utah Anarchist and Activist home
News on activist events in Utah, general articles and links to other websites.
Washington Office on Africa (WOA)
Washington Office on Latin America
The WELL // S.Francisco
Wild Sanctuary
Women of Color Resource Center (WCRC)
Women's Environment & Development Organization (WEDO)
Women's Feature Service
Women's Organizations On-Line
Working Group on Community Right-to-Know
World-Wide Free Press
Worldwatch Institute
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library:
United Nations and other international organisations (ONU)
XS4ALL Links
YA BASTA! -- the EZLN Page (Esercito Zapatista di liberazione nazionale )
A general comprehensive directory of WWW resources. They have an
anarchy subsection (under Government, Politics, parties and groups, of all places:-).
Zion Train
A home page maintained by the band of that name. They have a really nice collection of links, political and otherwise.
A home for Z magazine, LBBS and other related left-wing groups.
Strano Network
Virtual Town TV