Society, Politics, and the Environment

Rights for Women, Queers, and Everyone Else

I am a woman, and a feminist. I know a lot of women who are afraid to callthemselves feminists, for fear of being lumped in with the shrill "allsex in a patriarchal society is rape" crackpots. It's very easy to makeoff-the-wall arguments like that if you're willing to redefine your terms.I'm not. I believe in respecting people for their individuality, being awareof privileges gained unfairly and working to establish them for everyone, andbeing responsible for oneself and one's society. The following collectionof links points to sites maintained by people who seem to see things similarlyto the way I do.

Raising Kids

Children are the most important part of society that there is, for they are our legacy. We need to provide for them and their children even more than we need to provide for ourselves. Whether a family is traditional or not is less important than whether it meets a child'sneeds and gives her the foundation she'll need to be a strong, happy,healthy adult.

General Resources and Reading

Privacy and Free Expression


Environmental Resources