Society, Politics, and the Environment
I am a woman, and a feminist. I know a lot of women who are afraid to callthemselves feminists, for fear of being lumped in with the shrill "allsex in a patriarchal society is rape" crackpots. It's very easy to makeoff-the-wall arguments like that if you're willing to redefine your terms.I'm not. I believe in respecting people for their individuality, being awareof privileges gained unfairly and working to establish them for everyone, andbeing responsible for oneself and one's society. The following collectionof links points to sites maintained by people who seem to see things similarlyto the way I do.- A page of women's resourceson the net.
- Women's Wire.
- A page for women inscience and engineering. I'm in neither, but I thought others might find ithelpful.
- The Women in Technology page.
- The reproductive rights homepage.
- A page for feminist activists.
- Another page for feminism and women's resources, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
- Another collection of women's resources on the Internet.
- The Feminist Annex.
- Leslie's World o' Chicks. Go visit this page.
- References andresources for the soc.feminism newsgroup.
- A collection of Internet resourcesfor abortion andreproductive rights. Contains links to a lot of interesting sites, includingones put together by people who, um, feel differently about these issues from theway I do.
- The Abortion Rights Activist HomePage.
- TheBody Politic, a pro-choice zine.
- A long text file called "Confessionsof an Abortionist," written by a doctor in 1939 when abortion was illegal.
- A page describing methods of emergency contraception.
- The Queer ResourcesDirectory. The net's largest repository of information for gay men,lesbians, bisexuals, and their supporters.
- The Bisexual ResourceList, a collection of links for people who feel that the gender of a lover is a secondary consideration.
- Collected Queer Information. Another set of worthwhile links.
- Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, or PFLAG.
- The Amnesty International Web page, right here on Internex.
- A long and very articulate post toa Usenet newsgroup about why welfare needs to bethere. Kathleen is one of my heroes.
Children are the most important part of society that there is, for they are our legacy. We need to provide for them and their children even more than we need to provide for ourselves. Whether a family is traditional or not is less important than whether it meets a child'sneeds and gives her the foundation she'll need to be a strong, happy,healthy adult. - The Activist'sOasis. A progressive site put together by someone who actually has a senseof humor.
- The Progressive Directory. Lots more linksand useful resources.
- The Progressive Page. Evenmore good links.
- The Liberal InformationPage.
- The activist linksrecommended by Calyx, a New York-based Internet service provider.
- The home page for Mother Jones magazine. Goodpolitical writing, exposes, and columns by Paula Poundstone. The magazine textis accompanied by Mother Jones Interactive, which contains links torelevant sites and areas for discussion of controversial topics.
- A page for the Capitol Steps,a group who writes a lot of biting musical political satire directed toward theUS government.
- An online political zine called Bad Subjects:Political Education for Everyday Life. A lot of thought-provokingreading.
- The geekgirlzine. Great stuff.
- A comprehensive list of media outlets on theNet. Express your opinion, but don't spam them.
- A home page for the Political ParticipationProject. Thorough, informative, and really impressive.
- This Modern World, acomic by Tom Tomorrow. I was very excited to find this link.
- The Secular Web. Not for the timid.
- Z Magazine now has a page. They takecontributions from people such as Noam Chomsky and Tom Tomorrow.
- Extra!, the magazine of FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting). Find out why Rush Limbaugh is a big sleaze.
- The Propaganda Analysis Home Page. Important and fascinating.
- Think for Yourself: A PublicPolicy Reading Room.
- The home page for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an organizationdedicated to preserving people's privacy. EFF maintains an Online Activism Organization List.
- The FileRoom, a collection of documents describing at least 200 incidents of culturalcensorship. You can search through by date, kind of incident, area, or medium inwhich the censorship occurred. Best with a graphical browser, but will work witha text-based one.
- Project: Censored.
- A talk on sex, censorship, and theInternet, given by Carl M. Kadie of the EFF.
- An examination of an incidence ofcensorship at Carnegie Mellon University.
- Justin's Legal Beat, an examination of the court cases and legal precedents that will control the futureof the Internet. Brought to you by the guy who writes Links from the Underground.
- Pages for Planned Parenthood, in the United States and Canada.
- The LaborNet home page. What organizedlabor is doing on the Web. Another good source for information on organized laboris the Labor ActivistHome Page.
- A page for the International DevelopmentExchange, an organization that funds small-scale development projects inThird World countries to help develop self-sufficiency.
- The Hunger Web, looking at ways to reduce and eventually eliminate hunger all over the world.
- Political parties aroundthe world.
- Working Assets Long Distance.
- Liberal International (LI) and the International Federation of Liberal and Radical Youth (IFLRY) have set up a joint web site.LI is the worldwide platform of liberal, democrat and reformist parties. IFLRY is the worldwide federation of liberal and radical youth organizations.
- Two Web servers for Greenpeace, onein the Netherlands and the other in Canada. The Dutch one is forGreenpeace International; the Canadian one has more information, pictures, andlinks.
- The EnviroProductsDirectory, a listing of companies and products that try to have minimalimpact on the environment.
- The EnviroWeb, the largest collection ofenviromental resources on the net.
- My food and drink page. What's the dealwith food's impact on the environment, you ask? Consider this quotation fromDavid Siegel:
Let me put it this way. Suppose you and I lead the same lives,environmentally, but you eat steak twice a week and I don't. I would have to leavemy kitchen tap running all the way open and my car idling 24 hours a day, sevendays a week, just to keep our environmental balance sheet even. And that's justthe beef.
Scary, huh? - Information about the libel suit McDonald'shas filed against two British Greenpeace activists. McDonald's isn't looking toogood.
- Once you've read>
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