Unions and Organizations on LaborNet@IGC
The following unions and organizations, or individuals from these unions or organizations, participate on a regular basis in LaborNet@IGC.
Want to add your labor organization's Web page to our directory? Contact us:labornet@labornet.org
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AFTRA-Screen Actors Guild (Dallas,Texas)
Advocates for Equal Rights
Amalgamated Transit Union
American Federation of Musicians - AFM
American Federation of Teachers - AFT
American Political Science Association
American PostalWorkers Union - APWU (Philadelphia, PA)
American PostalWorkers Union - APWU (Portland,Oregon)
American SociologicalAssociation
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA)
Americans withDisabilities Act Document Center
Amnesty International
Association for Union Democracy -AUD
Association of California State Supervisors
Association of Concerned African Scholars
Association of StudentEmployees
Atlanta Federation of Teachers, Local 1565, AFL-CIO
AustralianCouncil of Trade Unions - ACTU
Austrian Trade Union Federation (OeGB)
Boeing MachinistsStrike Support Page
British Columbia Teachers'Federation (BCTF)
California AFL-CIO's Workers Assistance Program
California Conference of Machinists -(IAM)
California Federation of Labor
California Federation of Teachers
California Network for a New Economy
California State EmployeesAssociation - CSEA
CanadianCentre for Policy Alternatives
Canadian FarmworkersUnion - CFU
Caucus for a Democratic Union
Canadian Trade Union Movement
Canadian Union ofPublic Employees, Local 3909
Centerfor Labor Education and Research - University of Hawai'i
Center for Labor Research - CLR
Centerfor Labour Studies - Australia
Center for Third World Organizing - CTWO
Central New York Occupational Clinical Center
Cesar E. Chavez Foundation
Coalition of University Employees
Collective Action Notes
Committees of Correspondence
Communication Workers ofAmerica
Communication Workers of America - CWA Local 6143
Communications Workers ofAmerica - CWA Local 9119
University Professional and TechnicalEmployees
Communist Party USA
Community Data Processing - CDP
Computer Professionals for SocialResponsibility - CPSR
Congress of SouthAfrican Trade Unions COSATU
Council for DemocraticEconomy
DemocraticSocialists of America
Dutch Labour Party
Economic Policy InstituteEd Mann Labor Center
Engineers and Scientists ofCalifornia - ESC
Food & Allied Service Trades -FAST
Food For All Program
General Federation of TradeUnions
German Trade unions in Frankfurt
Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation -GTFF
GraphicCommunications International Union Local 14-M
Grassroots Policy Project
Greater CincinnatiOccupational Health Center
Hard Hat Construction Magazine
Hawaii Government Employees Association (HGEA)AFSCME, Local 152
HoltLabor Library
Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees- HERE
IBM Workers InternationalSolidarity
IBM Workers United
IdeaCentral - Electronic Policy Network
Impact Visuals
Independent Association ofContinental Pilots - IACP) Industrial Workers of the World -IWW
Information Technology Professionals Association of MSF (UK)
Inland Boatman's Union
Institute of Industrial Relations Library
Institute ofIndustrial Relations
International Alliance ofTheatrical Stage Employees and Motion Picture Technicians,Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States and Canada -IATSE
International Association of Machinists/Boeing Strike Support Site
International Brotherhood ofElectrical Workers -- IBEW
InternationalBrotherhood of Teamsters
InternationalBrotherhood of Teamsters - Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU)
International Chemical & Energy Federation - ICEF
InternationalCommission for Coordination of Solidarity Among SugarWorkers
InternationalFederation of Workers' Education Associations (IFWEA) -Israel.
International Labor Rights Fund - ILRF
InternationalLadies Garment Workers Union - ILGWU
International LiaisonCommittee for a Workers' International
International Union of Gas Workers
International Longshoreman's & Warehousemen's Union
Ironworkers Local 361 (New York)
Jobs With Justice/Boeing Machinists Strike Support Page
Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
KAS/KOR Labor Center
Kentucky Association of State Employees (KASE/AFT Local 4590)
Korea Labour Society Institue (KLSI)
LALabor News
Labor Art and Mural Project Labor Beat
Labor Committee on Central America - LCCA
Labor Education Service /University of Minnesota
Labor Education and Research Center - LERC
Labor Neighbor Bulletin Board
Labor Notes
Labor Party Advocates
Labor Party Organizing Network
Labor Project for Working Families
Labor Research Review - LRR
Labor Solidarity
Labor Strategies Inc
Labour Telematics Centre - United Kingdom
Labor Video Project
Lamda Legal Defense and Education
Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Louisiana Coalition for Tax Justice
Manitoba Organizationof Faculty Associations
Manufacturing Science and Finance Union/Legal & General Section (UK)
Mass Toxics Campaign Fund
Merchant Marine and Martime Web pagesMetropolitanDetroit Council of Newspaper Unions
Mission Community Legal Defense
NationalAssociation of Broadcast Employees and Technicians - CWA
National Association of Letter Carriers
National Association ofLetter Carriers, Boulder, Louisville and Lafayette CO, Branch 642
National Association ofLetter Carriers, Minneapolis Branch 9
National Association of Letter Carriers - NEW VISION
National Association of Socially Responsible Organizations
National Association of Working Americans - NAWA
National Employment Lawyers Association - NELA
National Football League Players Association - NFLPA
National Lawyers Guild - NLG
National Organization of Legal Services
National Organizers Alliance
National Postal Mail Handlers Union - NPMHU
National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU)-Australia
National Writers Union (NWU) - UAW Local 1981
Netherlands Trade Union Confederation
Network Universal Training Institute - NUTI
New Alliance for Labor
New Democratic Party of British Columbia (Canada)
New Voice Campaign
New World Resource Center (Chicago)
North Carolina Occupational Safety and Health Project
Northland Poster Collective
Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU)
Office and Professional Employees International Union, Local 153
Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers - OCAW
Operation Push Midwest
Order of Repeatermen and Toll Transmissionmen-ORTT
Organizing Institute AFL-CIOOccupational Safety and Health Administration - OSHA
Painters District Council No. 5 (Seattle)
Philippine Workers Support Committee - PWSC
Professional Engineers at Lockheed Martin in New Jersey ASPEP
Proutist Universal
Public Service Alliance of Canada
Public Services International - PSI
Resources for Employment and Economic Development
Revolutionary Trotskyist League
Russian Labour Review
San Mateo Labor Council
Seattle Professional EngineeringEmployees Association - SPEEA
Service Employees International Union - SEIU
SEIU - California State Council
SEIU Local 250 - Hospital and Health Care Workers Union
SEIU Local 503 - Oregon Public Employees Union SEIU Local 1000 - California State Employees Association (mailto:csea@LaborNet.org)SEIU Local 1983 - California Faculty Association
Sheet Metal Workers International Association
Sign Display Local 510
Socialist Action
Socialist LaborParty
Socialist Organizer
Socialist Party USA
South Korean Socialist Defense Campaign
Southeast Massachussetts Maritime Employees Association
Southern California Professional Engineering Association - SCPEA
South/North Conference For Dignity in Labor, Pisa, Italy, Oct. 1-3, 1995
Stone Cutters Union of North America
Sugar Workers Union Local #1
Syndicat des Professionnelles ei Professionnels du Gouvernment du Quebec (Canada)
Teamsters for a Democratic Union - TDU
The Bureau of National Affairs Library
Tobacco Products Liability Project
Trades Union Congress (UK)
Transnational Information Exchange - TIE
Transport Workers Union of America
Union Friendly Systems
Union for Radical Political Economy
Union Plus
The Unionite
Union of American Physicians and Dentists
UNISON (UnitedKingdom). UNISON, the biggest union in the UK
United Auto Workers - UAW
United Auto Workers New Directions
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners - UBC
United College Employees of FIT
United Electrical Workers International Solidarity Site
United Farm Workers - UFW
United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 101 (San Francisco)
United Mineworkers of America UMWA
United Paperworkers International Union
United Paperworkers International Union - UPIU, Local 7837, THE STALEY WORKERS
United Steelworkers of America
United Taxicab Workers / CWA
United Trades and Labor Council of Southern Australia
Universityof Hawaii Professional Assembly - UHPA
University of Manitoba Faculty Association
University Professional and Technical Employees - UPTE
University Professional & Technical Employees - CWA Local 9119
Walter P. Reuther Library
We Do The Work
Whatcom County Rainbow Coalition
Wire Service Guild
Wichita Engineering Association - Professional Engineers at Wichita Boeing
Women Leaders Online
Worker toWorker
Workers of America
Workers of Colour Support Network
Workers Unity Network